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Data Humanism: The Revolutionary Future of Data Visualization

Giorgia Lupi is a speaker of The Data We Don't See which took place at February 13th in Museum of the City of New York talks about her exploration of telling a story with complex data by educating the viewer with a visual language to understand the true depth of the complex story. She focuses on small, quality, imperfect, and subjective data to portray the complexity of human beings. Her most well-known work is Dear data. This project used to be a personal project by Giorgia Lupi and fellow data analysist Stefanie Posavec for them exchanging hand drawing data-vis as friends to get to know each other as well as challenge the way they collect data as well as how to interact with data. This exchange of daily data connects two friends together in a more intimate way. Data humanism is not using the data to strip down the identity or complexity of humans but to show more about people and get to know them. Her work and philosophy are such an inspiration to this project that seeks to explore the vague line of terminology that has been used in this society and also gives freedom to use as much terminology in a non-binary way.

Challenges, coping, and Benefits of Being an Asian American Lesbian or Bisexual Women

written by Mi Ra Sung, Dawn M. Szymanski, and Christy Henrichs-Beck are psychology article. This study promotes an opportunity to inform the difference, similarity, and uniqueness of the minority stress and both the challenges and benefits that can arise in managing these identities of the Asian American Lesbian and Bisexual people. It provides a clinical analysis of the experience of the Asian American Lesbian and Bisexual Women in their day to day life situation and how these women coping with those challenges has it’s own uniqueness than other ethnicities because of its cultural difference.

Destination Pride

is a data visualization project that visually shows the world's LGBTQ+ laws, rights, and social sentiment. I think this is good data-vis that is using the already established visual language. This project is useful in the way to explain different contexts depending on the city and country you live in. The New school is located in New York and most of my friends and my hometown and most of my blood family and relatives are located in Osaka and after graduation, I am moving to Tokyo. As you can see in the link(click on the city you can see their data vis on each city), the society people are in is very different and useful to know that difference. I have used this project to talk about my thesis and my experience here in NY to my friends in Japan, which they started to understand more about the situation difference. In my Japanese class, we needed to explain our project and for people who live here, it was shocking to see the difference and spark the conversation that how people from two different cultures, it is hard to use one term to explain themself.

Coming Out Simulator by Nicky Case

In this game, user play as a semi-fictional version of the author. By choosing the character’s words to figure out how to approach hyper-conservative Asian parents. The author says after releasing, that “[he] realize now, Coming Out Simulator 2014 isn't about being queer. [...] you could say it helps people empathize with the plight of gay teens, [...] but it's bigger than that. [...] It's that tension between needing to be who you are, and hiding that so you can get by day-to-day. It's about living that double-life, that double-consciousness, always aware of what others think of you. It's a mix of truth and lies. [...][he doesn’t] mean they're a gradient, on a single axis, [he means] truth and lies are two completely separate axes. You can do both.” Data and Identity is also a personal project that might be helpful for people to really explore themself or see people who identify in a various ways but for me, this project is for me to explore myself as well as getting to know others that I have and cherish.

Love has no Gender

where the audience discovers who was the bone structure behind the screen later. It focuses on how there are no differences in how human beings have relationships to each other no matter the differences they have. I think what is most nice about this project is that they show behind the scenes and the audience has a chance to get to know their stories. I think one of the things I want to do is to break down that first wall between people to actually get to know who is behind the label.

The Legacy Wall

The Legacy Wall aims to raise awareness of the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in our history. We hear many stories but we never know who was behind and what kind of person they were. I think I want to create something that connects people in some way. Be able to get to know people who you may not interact with in your daily life, how they feel, what kind of dreams they have, what they hope for.

Stonewall forever

this is a visualization reference. It’s the living monument that attempts to connect people to stone wall legacy. This is more of exploring the story. The story of history of pride. There is good use of audio, but the only interactive parts are going around. There is not much user input.

Humans of New York

Humans of New York is a project that tells people’s personal stories around New York. this is with strangers but reading their story with photo makes you feel like you know them deeply.


Nohomophobes is data-vis project that used twitter api to visualize the use of homophobic language in twitter.Homophobic language isn’t always meant to be hurtful, but how often do we use it without thinking?

Queer✨| Philosophy Tube

Queer✨| Philosophy Tube is a good youtube video that kind of goes throgh history of Queer theory and his very unique way of storytelling.

these five are my true friends who has always been there when ever I got stock in this project and anyother project I have worked during my college time. They are the best people I can ask for. Please cheack out their website for their uniqe works.

Sky's Website

Jimin's Website

OJ's Website

Karen's Website